
Sunday, February 28, 2010

Monday Mama Drama

You Know You Have Mama Drama When.....

1. Your 4 yr. old asks how old you are during dinner. When you reply, her eyes get real big and she looks over at older brother and whispers, "Hey, she's 32." To which your darling son replies, "See, I told you she was old."

2. You find yourself leaving a message on your husband's Facebook wall asking him to get off the computer in the bedroom and meet you in the living room so you can watch T.V. together.

3. You fall asleep with wet hair (not good when you have curly hair), then wake up in the morning late. So you're looking in the mirror trying to figure out how you are going to tame your wild fro hair when the lil' fro head walks in and says, "Hey mom your hair looks like mine now....pretty." Great, thanks honey, curly mop-top bedhead was EXACTLY the look I was going for.

4. You wake up one morning SOOO happy it is finally Friday, only to realize that is in fact Thursday. MAN, that was a long day!!!

And Finally,

5. Your son goes into the bathroom, then yells, "Hey, does anyone have any fart juice?" I didn't even go near that one.....



Bridgette said...

Fart juice?!? LOL

monica said...

Oh the days that go on and on and not even close to being Friday not good. Funny about the comment on the hair!

Design It Chic said...

Fart juice???? oh that is nasty:):):)
and your kids comments... to funny!!
Happy Monday and here's my post today!

Lisa Anne said...

I've so missed the momma drama. Been consumed by work and house remodels. What the heck is fart juice. Def sounds like something my son would say. I think I will ask him, I'm sure he knows. LOL

Amy said...

Oh my some interesting Drama for sure..

You know you have Mama Drama when your little one thinks nap time is a time to play in her bed and toys not sleep.

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

My husband totally emailed me when I was in the living to come join him for a movie in the bedroom. Ah ha ha

John Deere Mom said...

#3 sounds so familiar! :)

Our Mission

To have a safe place where you can air all your mama drama without judgement, cause we know you don't always have the kids in bed by 7 and make creme brulee for dessert every night.

Oh yeah.........

and if you do, you're on the wrong blog!