
Friday, November 28, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving: I hope everyone had a great holiday filled with good food, good friends and good times. We did.

5 things I am thankful for:

1.  My beautiful children.  That goes without saying of course but especially lately I have been reminded how fantastic they truly are and how proud I am to be their mom.

2.  My husband.  He is honestly the best guy in the world.  He helps me so much and is my very best friend.  He just gets me and I him. I can't imagine my life without him.

3.  My Mom and Dad.  They are awesome in so many ways.  I miss them especially now during the holidays.

4.  Great friends.  They truly are a blessing.

5.  Good Health.  We have been so fortunate and I am so very grateful.  My heart goes out to those around us who are in poor health, you are in our thoughts. 

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Our Mission

To have a safe place where you can air all your mama drama without judgement, cause we know you don't always have the kids in bed by 7 and make creme brulee for dessert every night.

Oh yeah.........

and if you do, you're on the wrong blog!