
Monday, October 26, 2009

Angels, "It's a Farming Thing", and There's a Bunny In My House- Monday's Mama Drama

You know you have Mama Drama when...

1. You are in the car and warned the kids for the 100th time to stop touching each other and be quiet, when you hear yet another "hit" and yet ANOTHER snicker. You realize your ninja reflexes are not what they used to be when you turn quickly to catch the "perp" in the act and all you see is the 3 yr. old (with the halo on of course) pointing her delicate index finger at big brother...who is staring blankly out the window (also wearing halo).

2. You are actually thankful your son wants to be Spongebob for Halloween even though Spongebob annoys the YOU KNOW WHAT out of me. BECAUSE...up until this weekend you thought you would have to REALLY make your son either a center pivot costume OR a giant corn cob costume (it's a farming thing).

3. Most moms are taking their sons to Saturday morning soccer games, you are taking yours to the ranch to smash potatoes with the tractor ('s a farming thing).

And Finally....

4. Your 3 yr. daughter walks out of the bathroom stark naked with a wad of toilet paper stuck between her cheeks and says, "Look mom, I look like a bunny!!" Hmmm....potential Halloween costume perhaps???



Amy said...

LOL on the bunny that is way too cute...

Unknown said...

Oh yeah...the bunny thing is way too cute! And I think the corn cob would be a great costume!

Stacey said...

As long as it's a white bunny and not brown.

shortmama said...

Now that bunny thing is gotta give her credit for being original!

Claudya Martinez said...

I am still laughing about the bunny!

BonBon Rose Girls Kristin said...

That little lady of yours is quite the cut up!

Dr.John said...

I remember the days of backseat hitting.I remember the halos. I miss it all.

Liz Mays said...

Oh no, the bunny! That is so hilarious!

Stephanie said...

LOL That bunny costume idea is a good one!

Erin said...

hahaha a bunny! That's awesome!
Thought of you and your son when we went to the pumpkin patch and they were having a tractor thing...all antique tractors...very cool! And I would chose potato smashing in a heart beat! haha

The Redhead Riter said...

oh my goodness #4 has me rolling! ♥

Tracie said...

'I look like a bunny' - LOL.

My son walks around naked shaking his butt and says "Shake your fluffy tail".

Our Mission

To have a safe place where you can air all your mama drama without judgement, cause we know you don't always have the kids in bed by 7 and make creme brulee for dessert every night.

Oh yeah.........

and if you do, you're on the wrong blog!