
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

She's Always Been Too Big For Her Britches-A Thousand Words Thursday

I'm participating in a new meme. I can't recall off the top of my head if Amy has done it before but I know it's a first for me. The story behind A Thousand Words Thursday can be read at Cheaper Than Therapy.

In a nutshell, the author of said blog decided that every Thursday she would post a picture that was meaningful, expressed emotion, and spoke volumes to her. AND, she has been so kind as to let anyone willing to participate join her.

So I went through the eight ba-jillion pictures on my computer and found this little beauty from last Christmas Season. This is HRH (Her Royal Highness) aka Curly Top aka WW (wild woman). Since she was born, HRH has had the ability to make me laugh. I used to say she must sprinkle some kind of fairy dust on me that makes it hard to be mad at her. I know...this is not always a good thing because she has a bit of a wild streak (hence the nickname "Wild Woman". However, she is vivacious, independent, funny, smart, and is completely fearless. She is sugar with a LOT of spice! This picture definitely speaks volumes about this kid's spunk. She wanted to show me that she was big enough to cut down her own tree. She said, "See Mom, it's a little girl size tree just for me." I answered, "I thought you said you weren't a little girl?" HRH didn't skip a beat, she replied, "It's for little girls that are big."

Cheaper Than Therapy



Lisa Anne said...

Such a great picture. I can see why you picked it. She's going to turn into a powerful strong lady when she gets older.

monica said...

Cute picture and great story to go along with it!

Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

Quick Witted, for little girls that are big :) Too Cute!

Love the story and picture!

Unknown said...


Liz Mays said...

That is so cute! I love what she said!

Menopausal New Mom said...

OMG! She is so cute! No wonder you picked that photo. What a handful she must be. I have a 3 1/2 year old who runs our home so I can easily relate to HRH!


Henrietta said...

Ha, that's adorable! Love the background scenery too!

Suburban Hooker said...

Your daughter is adorable, seems like she has a razor sharp wit already. I can't wait to see more!! Happy ATWT!

Claudya Martinez said...

She could not be cuter.

Our Mission

To have a safe place where you can air all your mama drama without judgement, cause we know you don't always have the kids in bed by 7 and make creme brulee for dessert every night.

Oh yeah.........

and if you do, you're on the wrong blog!