
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

My Little Potty Mouth...Doin' Mama Proud

Amy is going to kill me for this one because I am going to use her not so favorite word. However, after our long catch up conversation I decided that this story was blog worthy. My daughter. Oh, I'm telling ya' you should see this sweet little girl of mine. Cute as a button. Yes, I know, I'm her mother and of course I would say that. You should see her though. The fair complexion, big blue eyes, long curly brown hair, even a dimple. Then, she starts talking. If you've been keeping up you will know that she's the one that has said such charming things as "what the HELL?", and "EWW, mommy you smell like poop!". She has also been know to throw out a few "damn its" when she falls, or drops something. I think this is a phase, or maybe mommy needs to watch her mouth. In my defense, the other two kids never talked like this.

Anyway, back to my story. We were at a little get together in a building that only has one ladies bathroom and one guys bathroom. My little darling informed me she needed to go potty. We get in there and I think okay this should be quick. Oh no, she tells me she is going poop. GREAT!! I might as well pull up a chair and sit a while because my daughter poops like a guy. She takes her time, she hums, whistles, sings a little song to herself, lays back, lays forward, props her head on her lap with her hand, you name it. I'd give her a magazine if she could read. One time, I timed her and she spent 15, I'll repeat 15 minutes in the bathroom doing her business. So, I can hear people lining up outside waiting to use the bathroom. There's knocking on the door. I tell Her Royal Highness it's time to get off the throne. She says she's not done yet and I say too bad. I get her off, pants on, hands washed, and the whole time she is scowling at me. There are about 4 ladies waiting as we head out of the bathroom. She walks out in a huff with her hands on her hips and says, "But mom, I wasn't done going POOP!!" The ladies were at least kind enough to look down at the floor and pretend they hadn't just heard that. I know I pretended I hadn't as we breezed by. This has got to be a phase.

Don't be fooled by her girlie-girl exterior, inside she has the manners of a frat boy. She'll be crushing beer cans on her head in no time. This gal is made with sugar and a whole lot 'o SPICE!!


Unknown said...

Sorry, I'm sure you were mortified, but that was hilarious! I can see the inner spunk in her...I love it!

Thanks for the clarification too. I knew there was something up with you guys, thought maybe we had a bit of a split personality going on or something, LOL!

Amy said...

Hey Di - I knew when we talked that this was going to end up on the blog! I knew it and your right it is blog worthy. I love that little gal of yours. She is going to be a handful. I can't wait until she is in her teens!

Lady Di said...

Cool signature thingy you got set up for me. Now, our followers won't think there is just one of us with a serious case of split personality disorder writing the posts. I tried calling but you're on the phone. You seriously need to get caller I.D. and call waiting girlfriend!! I mean really, I am most definitely more important than whoever you are talking to on the phone right now!! :)

Amy said...

This so funny. I know I will have stories like this some day.

monica said...

This is funny story! What is Amy word that she dosen't like? She is so cute!

Meagan and John said...

Oh, too funny, this story just reminded me of what my son did at church on sunday--I shall post about it at because I would hate to take from your story here.

jenn said...

Haha. Sounds like my 2 1/2 year old daughter. Cute. Blond hair. Blue eyes. But now she's into the preschool potty humor. I blame the boys at school. She'll just randomly look at people and say "Poop!" and start laughing. The other day we were at a restaraunt and she (loudly) said, "Don't worry Mommy, I won't poop on you." Yeah, thanks...

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To have a safe place where you can air all your mama drama without judgement, cause we know you don't always have the kids in bed by 7 and make creme brulee for dessert every night.

Oh yeah.........

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