Saturday, May 30, 2009
A New Hobby...Perhaps??
He went with his dad a few weeks ago to the local tractor museum because Daddy was helping put the historic tractors in the new tractor barn. Some brave man decided to give "JD" his camera. He ran around all day snapping pictures and we got some interesting pictures. I had never thought of giving my camera to my son (for obvious reasons). However, he surprised me. He took real good care of the camera AND the bonus was that he took some really cool pictures and it was neat to see things from his perspective. I think a camera may be in order for his birthday this summer. It will be good for him to have something to do other than play with tractors. Although, all he did this time was take pictures of tractors.
I asked him about this picture and he said, "I liked the shadow the old tractor wheel made."
They were moving the old tractors on a forklift. He was really "into" this and took several pictures. I thought this was a neat angle. Knowing my son, I knew there was a reason he took this shot. Yep, he said, "I wanted to see how the tractor sat on the forks." Then he proceeded to tell me very excitedly, "See, see Mom, they slipped 'em right under the axles."
Back to the shadows again. When I asked him, "What's this about?" He said in a very "Duh Mom" voice, "It's my shadow." Me- "Oh" JD boy-"Yeah, haven't you ever taken a picture of your shadow before?" He asked that question like it's common knowledge that all people take pictures of their shadows. The smart ass in me wanted to reply, "Well, no son I haven't because the picture would be mostly black and therefore a waste of good picture paper." However, sarcasm is lost on my son (not just because of his young age, but because he truly doesn't get very many jokes). He is very literal. Anyway, I thought this picture was cool simply because I would have never thought of it.
The last one is a picture of an old plow. He took this picture because he was pleased with the little block of wood he put under the front hitch to prop it up. Sort of like tractor modeling I guess.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Bobcats Too, Oh my!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Soups On!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
10 Little Happy Pills
The Prompts for this weeks Writer's Workshop from Mama Kat:
1.) What is your life's anthem? You know...that song that is ALWAYS in your head. The one you'd go to sing first if someone told you to sing a song right NOW. What is it and what does it mean to you?
2.) We love telemarketers don't we!?! Describe a memorable experience you had with one.
3.) How much does focusing on weight affect your daily life?
4.) Describe in what ways you expect too much from your significant other. Do they deserve an apology?
5.) List ten things that make you HAPPY.
6.) Share a sleep walking story of your own!!
I chose number 5
Ten Little Happy Pills
- Hearing my kids laugh...that really deep belly laugh.
- The occasional morning when I can actually sleep in.
- Comments (hint, hint)
- Chocolate
- Spending time with friends.
- Talking on the phone with my best good friend Amy
- Chocolate
- Watching the kids get excited and run to hug their Daddy when he gets home from work.
- Gas prices that are not SOOO ridiculous.
- Did I mention chocolate??
11. Being the number 1 comment on SITS today. Oh, yeah!! Doing a little SITS victory dance on the bed right now. Sorry...I'll get a hold of myself now. Amy and I have a friendly rivalry over who can comment on SITS first every day :)
Go to Mama's Losin It for more Writer's Worskop
Amy's got a sleep walkin' story. If you got the time check it out. click here.
Here Piggy Piggy Piggy!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Lady Di's Wordful Wednesday
Last Friday, my husband came home from taking our youngest to Gymnastic class. While they were out he decided to get a few things for himself (he needed some new shirts, socks, etc.). One of the items he purchased were what we like to call in our house "chonies" or what normal folk call underwear. He was getting the chonies out of the package to put away and the little girl, who happened to be in a particularly odd, silly mood decided she was going to wear a pair of daddy's chonies. I had to get the camera to snap a picture, of course. She had to "ham" it up, of course. She is such a crazy little kid!! :) After our little photo shoot, she proceeded to change into her "birthday suit" and run around the house like a wild woman, which is a pretty common thing. She is a bit of a naturalist.
For more Wordful Wednesday Check out:
Little Cutie Hair Bows
Monday, May 25, 2009
Moday's Mama Drama
1. You have to explain to your son that Pink is a singer not a crayon. I mean yes, pink is a crayon, but Pink with a capital P and singer of the song Sober is in fact a person.
2. You have to search your daughters bag before going to daycare to look for fruit snack contraband that she has apparently been pilfering from the pantry and stashing to share with her P.I.C's (partners in crime) once at daycare....well, at least she's sharing.
3. You have to explain yet again to your son that his lil' sis is not really his mechanic and does not really need to fix his tractors that are "broke" down and NO her room is not the "shop" where said tractors go to get fixed. **My son only plays with tractors and when he does it is very literal play. This actually causes many problems for him. This is one of his atypical behaviors. It's part of the whole ADD, OCD, Aspergers thing he's got going on, but we roll with it. Come on, it is kind of funny to hear him tell lil' sis she has to stay on the "county road" and not go across his "field", and even funnier to see look on lil' sis's face.
4. First, your daughter tells you she has to pee and you are on a private beach with zero facilities, so she has to strip from the waist down and find some drift wood to squat behind. Then, she is reluctant to put panties back on because she is certain the sand on her feet will get on her panties and she doesn't want sand in her "coo-coo". Of course she didn't whisper this in my ear. She said it out loud, all burly, in her true fashion for everyone else in our group to hear.
And Finally...
5. The good news is your CPR and First Aid training actually came in handy when you had to dislodge an ice cube you child was choking on by gently but firmly hitting her on the back. The bad news is... her body went into reflex mode to get the ice cube out as well which meant she threw up, over and over. Oh, did I mention we were in the movie theatre and she had just eaten popcorn and red licorice? Good Times!!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Passing it On - Finally!
Friday, May 22, 2009
Check it Out!
Hmmmm. Sometimes there just isn't anything else to say?
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Writers Workshop- I'm Going Kayaking!!
So, why I have I decided to go paddling out in the ocean in a little boat with my two daughters now? Well....I really don't know. Other than deep down inside I am secretly an adventurer who never got to go on adventures and an opportunity arose and I'm taking it and I'm dragging my kids along with me. Don't worry, they won't be in any danger. If I even see one whitecap I'm keeping my feet on dry land. Of course, I'm slightly nervous as I'm listening to my friend explain that you have to watch the tide tables and wait for the best time when the current is not so fast (why?, you don't get swept out to sea? I wonder). The people I am going with assure me that everything will be fine and it is completely safe.
I'm excited, but then the other night I saw a commercial promoting tourism for Canada. Has anyone else seen this? It is video footage and at first all you see is what appears to be the front of a... kayak and something jumping in and out of the water. Yeah, my interest was peaked. You can't quite figure out what the heck it is until all of a sudden out jumps a seal which lands on the front of this kayak. Of course, the person taping it thought it was really cool and that's the whole point...then it says something like, Canada, A Great Place to Be or some crazy thing. I didn't actually get the catchy little "come see Canada" phrase because I was still contemplating the fact that a freakin' seal could JUMP onto a kayak. Let me just say I don't think I will be near as happy as the idiot on the commercial if that happens to me this weekend. However, all jumping seals aside, I think (I hope) we will have a good time and this will be a great experience for the girls.
For more Writers Workshop go visit Mama Kat
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
My Little Potty Mouth...Doin' Mama Proud
Anyway, back to my story. We were at a little get together in a building that only has one ladies bathroom and one guys bathroom. My little darling informed me she needed to go potty. We get in there and I think okay this should be quick. Oh no, she tells me she is going poop. GREAT!! I might as well pull up a chair and sit a while because my daughter poops like a guy. She takes her time, she hums, whistles, sings a little song to herself, lays back, lays forward, props her head on her lap with her hand, you name it. I'd give her a magazine if she could read. One time, I timed her and she spent 15, I'll repeat 15 minutes in the bathroom doing her business. So, I can hear people lining up outside waiting to use the bathroom. There's knocking on the door. I tell Her Royal Highness it's time to get off the throne. She says she's not done yet and I say too bad. I get her off, pants on, hands washed, and the whole time she is scowling at me. There are about 4 ladies waiting as we head out of the bathroom. She walks out in a huff with her hands on her hips and says, "But mom, I wasn't done going POOP!!" The ladies were at least kind enough to look down at the floor and pretend they hadn't just heard that. I know I pretended I hadn't as we breezed by. This has got to be a phase.
Don't be fooled by her girlie-girl exterior, inside she has the manners of a frat boy. She'll be crushing beer cans on her head in no time. This gal is made with sugar and a whole lot 'o SPICE!!
Wordful Wednesday: Princess Sleep
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
I Knew He Was Up To Something
This is my first Wordful Wednesday. My son stays with me in my classroom after school instead of going to a babysitter. It's cheaper, however, he can drive me crazy at times because I do have work to do, prepping for my lessons. My son LOVES to mess with the overhead projector and I can always tell if he has because of the tell-tale "overhead hands" he gets. The ink from the vis-a-vis markers gets all over his hands. The other day I left him alone while I made copies. When I came back he was sitting, doing his homework, and I noticed "the hands". I asked, "So, you weren't writing on the overhead while I was gone, were you?" He said with a very guilty grin, "Oh, no mom, no. I was doing my homework." He kind of giggled. He knew I knew better, but I didn't get up to check, I just helped him finish his homework then we left to go home. The next morning I came into my room and when I went to the overhead I found what my son had be doing while he was left alone the day before. It was a very pleasant surprise. He can be so sweet when he is not being obnoxious. Nah, I'm just kidding!! He really is a sweet little fella as evident by the note.
**Oh, almost forgot I would usually not get a picture of such a thing as this however, I just happened to have my camera on me because I was taking pictures of my classroom. Teachers do strange things like that so that we can remember how we put our rooms together and so forth. Anyway, I thought this was cute and very much a reflection of Liam's sweet nature.
Click here to view Amy's Wordful Wednesday and for others go visit Angie at Seven Clown Circus
A Mom I Have Never Met
I have mixed feelings about this tribute, but I feel like I have to let this out. I have never actually met the person this tribute is about. However, after only reading her blog I feel the need to express my deepest sympathy first of all for her situation, but then I wish to express my admiration of her strength, and appreciation of what she is doing and what she has done. I know she may not feel strong right now. In fact, her world has been shattered into a million pieces, and I know there is nothing I can write that will make it better for her. Yet, maybe one day as the pieces of her life start to come together she will understand the impact her and her families’ story had on so many people. I know it had a profound impact on me.
It was a busy week for me and my family. You know, the not home until
Well, it was late and I should have just gone to bed, but I stayed awake and I read…and read. Two hours and a box of Kleenex later I had finished reading and was feeling a mix of many emotions. I started of course with the most recent entry and went backwards. Further and further I went back into their lives. Heather did an excellent job of documenting everything her little girl did. So many stories I could relate to as a mom. I can’t imagine the pain of losing a child, but because of Heather’s openness to share I can understand some of things that she misses the most that perhaps we take for granted. In one post she wrote about the fact that she doesn’t remember ever kissing her daughter’s knees. Even though I have not felt the pain of losing a child I immediately understood the pain she was in. As a mom, when you have your new baby you feel you can practically just devour them, with their soft skin, and that smell. You just cover their soft little pink bodies with kisses from head to toe. Yet, do you really soak it all in? Do you know you got every part? After reading, Heather’s post I suddenly thought, “Have I kissed my baby’s knees?”
Whether she knows it or not, Heather Spohr is a strong person. Even if there are mornings she doesn’t want to get out of bed…she is a strong person. She loves her daughter and keeps her spirit alive by telling her story. Her story has definitely touched many people’s lives. I know she would rather not be the strong grieving mother. I know she would rather be the fun loving mother taking her daughter to the park today. However, for reasons that I certainly can’t explain Maddie is in God’s hands now. I dedicate this tribute to you, Heather Spohr and all the mothers that have lost a child. You have to endure the hardest pain there is. My words may bring little comfort right now, but know that Maddie’s life has reached many because of you.
When I was done reading Heather’s blog that night, I turned off my computer. My 3 yr. old daughter was sleeping in bed with me (again). I have been taking her up to her own room (trying to get her to sleep in her “big girl” bed), but not that night. No, that night I left her where she slept right next to me. I listen carefully to her soft breaths, I looked at the silhouette of her tiny face in the dark, I touched her soft curls, and I kissed her knees.
For more Tributes or to participate, visit
Monday, May 18, 2009
You Know You Have Mama Drama When...
1. After being checked by the security guy with a metal detector at the entrance to the local fair your son asks why did the man just do that and you say, "Oh, he is just looking for dangerous stuff" and your son says, "Yeah, making sure people don't bring in things like burning cigarettes so they don't burn the fair down, huh?" FYI I don't smoke he just says random stuff like that all the time! Anyway my point is that I just say, " Yes." to such a random comment because I don't want to tell him, "No son, what they are really looking for are the guns and knifes that some of these gangsters may bring in to retaliate for last weeks shooting that killed 4 kids". I'll just keep my son in that innocent little bubble I have him in a bit longer, thanks.
2. The night before show day you have to call everyone you know to find a pair of white pants (part of the uniform) because your eldest daughter, who has been doing her own laundry for two years all of a sudden forgot that you can't wash white pants with a red sweater, tie dye shirt, bright blue t-shirt, and just about every other COLORED shirt she could possibly wash with her WHITE pants.
3. You are so tired and hot at the fair that when you you finally get to the hospitality room with two hot, tired, hungry, kids, you down two margaritas like they were little cups of kool-aid, then go get snacks and water for the kids. Hey...don't judge, if mama goes down first, we all go down.
4. You consider sabotaging your husbands truck so he can not abandon you again with all the kids at the fair., he was going back and forth to work, not exactly abandonment, but in my defense it sure did take a long time for him to check those freakin' potato fields. I mean really they're not going anywhere!!!
And Finally...
5. You are finally home, hot, exhausted, been around animals, dirt, and shavings all day. Your whole body is achy and you feel the layer of dirt on your skin, and you know you need to get in the shower, but you just want to sit for one second, and here comes that sweet little girl of yours. She sits in your lap and starts to suck her thumb and rub YOUR ear. You think, "ahh, oh sweet, my little girl taking a moment with me.". Then she stops rubbing your ear, pulls her thumb out of her mouth and sniffs me and says, "EWW, Mommy you smell like poop." Thanks honey, until you said that I didn't know that, thanks.
What are your indicators of Mama Drama? Please share, I know I 'm not the only one out there with it!!!